Preparing for the wider opening of schools from 1 June

Planning guides for school leaders to help them prepare to open their schools for more pupils during the coronavirus outbreak.
Planning guide for primary schools
Guidance for secondary school provision from 15 June 2020
These guides are for those responsible for mainstream primary and secondary schools. The secondary guidance is also for alternative provision secondary schools.
The primary planning guide should help school leaders prepare for extending their opening to include all pupils in reception, year 1 and year 6 from the week commencing 1 June, alongside priority groups (vulnerable children and the children of critical workers).
You should read this planning guide alongside the planning framework which helps school leaders and trusts to think through the high-level steps they might need to take to enable them to open their schools for more pupils.
The secondary guidance should help school leaders prepare for welcoming back some year 10 and year 12 pupils for some face-to-face support. This document provides information on our expectations around this provision and the approaches we are asking all schools to take to minimise risks as children and young people return to school.
Published 14 May 2020
Last updated 15 June 2020 + show all updates
Added information to ‘Planning guide for primary schools’ on how primary schools can use flexibility to welcome back additional pupils this term. Added information to ‘Guidance for secondary school provision from 15 June 2020’ about how secondary schools can now welcome year 10 and year 12 pupils in for some face-to-face support and where possible, invite pupils in other year groups in for a meeting this term.
Updated the planning guide for primary schools to reflect the announcement by the Prime Minister about the decision, based on all the evidence, to move forward with wider opening of education and childcare settings. We have also added links in the primary schools guide, to the planning guide for early years settings, and the updated attendance reporting guidance.
Added ‘Guidance for secondary school provision from 15 June 2020’.
First published.