Information, guidance and support for teachers and leaders on educating children during the coronavirus outbreak.

Read the latest guidance for nurseries, schools and colleges, including information on opening to more pupils from 1 June.

This page and information for parents will be updated regularly to include further resources and reflect the latest information and developments.

To help protect communities from coronavirus (COVID-19), schools and educational settings are closed, except to the children of critical workers and vulnerable children and the staff needed to look after them. Schools will begin reopening to other pupils in phases starting on 1 June.

This guidance includes strategies and practices that teachers and leaders have found useful for supporting education in the home environment. It has been produced by the Department for Education in partnership with the education sector.

Remote education resources for teachers

We have published an initial list of online educational resources covering various subjects and age groups that have been recommended by teachers and school leaders.


Bitesize Daily has been developed by the BBC to provide new lessons every weekday for pupils in year 1 to year 10. Created in collaboration with teachers and educational experts, its videos and interactive activities cover core subjects and other topics on the school curriculum. Content is available for free on television, online and through BBC iPlayer.

Oak National Academy

Schools might also consider using resources from Oak National Academy, which was created by teachers from schools across England in response to school closures. This free resource for teachers will provide the equivalent of 3 hours of lessons a day for primary school pupils and 4 hours a day for secondary across a variety of subjects. Lessons have been created by practising teachers, combining videos, quizzes and worksheets.

Schools can download the Oak schools pack, which provides guidance and videos to share should schools want to use Oak as part of their remote education plans. Packs are available for primary, secondary and specialist schools, and include the full Oak curriculum (until the end of the summer term) to help schools plan.

Guidance on remote education during coronavirus

Safeguarding and remote education during coronavirus (COVID-19)

Understand how to follow safeguarding procedures when planning remote education strategies and teaching remotely.

Remote education practice for schools during coronavirus (COVID-19)

An opportunity for schools to learn from each other’s emerging practice as they develop their approaches to providing remote education.

Get technology support for children and schools during coronavirus (COVID-19)

The Department for Education is working in partnership with an industry coalition to provide technology to support remote education.

Published 19 April 2020
Last updated 22 May 2020 + show all updates

  1. Added information about Oak National Academy’s school packs, which are now available to be downloaded and used by schools.

  2. Added link to new content on ‘Remote education practice for schools during coronavirus (COVID-19)’.

  3. Addition of BBC Bitesize Daily

  4. First published.
