Research and analysis: Low Pay Commission research 2020

This page contains the research reports commissioned by the Low Pay Commission to inform our 2020 Report.
How employers set pay for apprentices (University of Warwick)
PDF, 804KB, 63 pages
Estimating the impact of the minimum wage on prices (Frontier Economics)
PDF, 1.3MB, 38 pages
Impact of National Living Wage on businesses (Frontier Economics)
PDF, 1.8MB, 87 pages
Impact of future targets for the NLW (IDR)
PDF, 2.79MB, 116 pages
Impact of the NLW on businesses and automation (NIESR)
PDF, 622KB, 20 pages
Alongside our annual report, we publish the research projects commissioned by the Low Pay Commission and which informed our recommendations in our 2020 Report. These projects investigate the effects of the National Living Wage (NLW) and National Minimum Wage (NMW) on a range of outcomes and topics.
The reports we are publishing today are:
- A project by the University of Warwick using qualitative interviews to examine the way in which employers set pay for apprentices.
- Two projects by Frontier Economics: one looking at the impacts of the NLW on levels of employment, productivity, survival rates and prices; and another estimating the effect of the minimum wage on consumer prices in more depth.
- A report from Incomes Data Research sharing insights from 22 case studies of employers affected by the minimum wage including how they intend to cope with future changes in the age of eligibility for the NLW.
- A report by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) on the extent to which firms’ responses to the NLW vary by their opportunity to substitute capital and technology for labour.
Published 9 December 2020