Review of Building Bulletin 100: design for fire safety in schools

Download the full outcome
Technical review of building bulletin 100 design for fire safety in schools: call for evidence report
PDF, 188KB, 17 pages
Detail of outcome
This is a summary of the responses we received to the consultation, alongside the government’s response and next steps.
Original consultation
We are seeking views on the design guide for fire safety in schools.
This consultation was held on another website.
This consultation ran from
Consultation description
Building Bulletin 100 is a design guide for fire safety in schools. This consultation seeks views from people with an interest in fire safety to help the Department for Education conduct a technical review of the guide.
We’re looking for views from:
- school building designers
- fire engineers and contractors
- building control bodies
- fire and rescue services
- other fire safety officers
Published 8 March 2019
Last updated 27 May 2021 + show all updates
Added the consultation summary and government response document.
First published.