Summary of the listening sessions for the independent review of TEF

Research which summarises the listening sessions held to inform the independent review of the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF).
Summary of the listening sessions for the TEF independent review
PDF, 351KB, 29 pages
The purpose of the sessions was to gather and discuss the views of stakeholders to complement the findings of the ‘call for views’ consultation.
Around 60 separate events were held in Birmingham, Leeds and London. Each session was led by the independent reviewer or a member of their advisory group, and supported by the senior adviser to the review. They covered a wide range of stakeholder groups, including:
- providers of higher education
- students
- businesses and consumer advocates
- other interested parties
The results were used provide the independent reviewer and advisory group with a summary of the issues raised, identifying common themes and differences between the stakeholder groups, and any potential changes.
Published 21 January 2021