Young people kickstart careers with training provider

Seven young people from across the North West have started work placements with a leading training provider through a Government jobs incentive.
PHX Training has supported the seven Kickstart workers across its centres in Barrow, Carlisle, Preston, Blackpool and Morecambe.
Each employee is now completing a six-month placement, either as an administrator or as a trainee work coach, helping people in the region to complete training courses designed to help them find work or upskill current staff at businesses.
In total, PHX Training has taken on 20 Kickstart placements so far, while the Government recently announced over 150,000 people across the country have been taken on by the work placement scheme.
Kickstart placements help young people on Universal Credit to complete a fully funded six-month work placement with an employer, with many then going on to secure full time paid work. PHX Training’s placements have also led to four permanent jobs within the company following the end of the six months.
Briony Fawcett, Managing Director of PHX Training, said: “As a training provider aimed at helping people to find work, I’m really proud of the way that we have supported dozens of young people find work placements which can get them experience of the workplace and help them find permanent jobs.
“Already, our new Kickstart employees have got stuck in, helping us to improve lives across the North West by helping people to complete training and qualifications, find work and improve the skills of Lancashire and Cumbria’s workforces.”
The Kickstart Scheme, which has now closed to new applications, provided funding to employers to create new six-month job placements for young people who are on Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment. PHX Training, which has centres across Lancashire and Cumbria, was officially accredited by the government as a gateway provider of the Kickstart scheme and has worked with companies across the North West to help process a total of 72 Kickstart placements since September 2020.
PHX Training has training centres in Barrow, Carlisle, Morecambe, Preston and Blackpool to help people complete training courses to help them back into work.
PHX Training delivers government-backed initiatives including adult skills – Maths, English and vocational courses, NEET (not in education, employment or training) and employability contracts.