5 ways to ensure the success of your Trainee Teacher

As a manager, you will understand the importance of recruiting and maintaining good quality teaching staff. By taking on an apprentice, you will have the opportunity to help develop them as a teacher whilst they complete their apprenticeship training.
Ensure that your apprentice understands your expectations whilst studying and give them regular feedback on how they are performing in their new role. By making sure your apprentice is clear what their role and responsibilities are and outlining any key performance indicators (KPIs) they should be aiming for, you will help support them in their role, giving them support for their role apprenticeship. Ensure that you monitor how they cope with the extra work associated with their apprenticeship and take care of their general well-being.
It is likely you will naturally offer your member of staff support, but here are five ways to ensure the success of your trainee teacher:
1. Giving them time to learn and develop
There are many ways you can give support, but the most significant one is supporting them in completing their 20% off-the-job training, including checking if they are logging enough 20% off-the-job hours. Ensure that the timetable allows time for their off-the-job training, for instance, adjusting the timeframe so that your apprentice has 30 minutes to prepare before their lessons start. Ensure that you have enough staff to cover the hours your apprentice will need to carry out their 20% off-the-job when you are doing your curriculum planning.
2. Allocate a mentor
It would be best if you allocated a mentor so that trainee teachers have someone experienced that they can share any concerns they may have.
This person should also be someone they can trust to give them good advice and steer them in the right direction.
3. Offering training opportunities
Try to give them opportunities to carry out training in areas where they would not usually be involved to broaden their knowledge and skills further.
You could look at ways to shadow other teachers to gather tips from them and benefit from some more experienced teaching practice; this will also help other teachers share good practice. Find ways to suggest different training opportunities such as attending conferences, taking part in meetings, and generally giving them exposure to areas within your organisation which could give them a valuable insight into how it works.
You could set up workshops to assist your apprentice in developing schemes of work and how they should plan for learning. You might also support them by giving them opportunities to build their presentation skills. This will help to prepare for their presentation at their end-point assessment.
4. Help to develop knowledge, skills and behaviours
Your apprentice will have to learn a range of new knowledge, skills and behaviours and any support you can give to them whilst they develop these will help them along their journey. Ensure that you are familiar with the Standard they are working towards to discuss areas where they might need additional support. They will also have to undertake two teaching observations, and helping them prepare for these will help build their confidence in the classroom.
5. Attend and engage in progress reviews
Ensure that you take part in their regular progress reviews to see that they are on target and not falling behind. Remember to give feedback if you see them doing something well. It’s important to build self-confidence in your apprentice and help them grow in their role and take ownership of their work tasks.
You may be able to help them with hints and tips on practical study skills that will assist throughout the programme and when they are preparing for their end-point assessment. You will have an important role to play when agreeing when your apprentice is ready to finish their practical training and enter the gateway in preparation for end-point assessment.
Your apprentice is investing a lot of time and energy to develop and progress in their career; try to be the best you can to support them at this vital time. Make sure that they have the best possible experience, which you and your colleagues have well supported.