£5million partnership to train the scientists of tomorrow

The University of Plymouth’s expertise in earth, environmental and marine sciences will play a key role in a new multi-million bid to train the next generation of researchers.
It is one of five universities involved in the Advanced Research and Innovation in Environmental Science (ARIES) Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP), which has received more than £5million from the Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC).
One of 17 such partnerships across the UK, its aim is to equip postgraduate researchers with the necessary skills to become leaders in the science and business of the environment for the 21st century.
ARIES builds on the existing EnvEast Doctoral Training Partnership and draws together the Universities of East Anglia, Essex, Kent, Plymouth and Royal Holloway.
It will also involve almost 40 other partners, including Anglian Water, Balfour Beatty, British Antarctic Survey, Cefas, Defra, Environment Agency, John Innes Centre, the Marine Biological Association, Natural England, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, RSPB, UK Met Office and the World Wildlife Fund.