And the winner is…

Bolton College apprentice selected as winner of Greater Manchester Apprenticeship Company’s selfie competition
The Greater Manchester Apprenticeship Company (GMAC) has today announced Bolton College student, Reza Ali, as the winner of its latest selfie competition.
The competition, which culminated during this year’s National Apprenticeship Week, asked students across the GMAC partnership to send in their most creative selfies for the chance to win £100 worth of vouchers.
The GMAC partnership is a collaboration between nine colleges from the Greater Manchester Colleges Group, including Bolton College, and training provider The Skills Company. GMAC’s This Is Me portal is exclusively available to students across the partnership, providing a whole host of apprenticeship vacancies and resources.
Helen Hawxwell, Programme Development & Delivery Manager at GMAC, visited Bolton College to deliver the vouchers to Reza earlier this week. Reza said: “Apprenticeships are great, I love to be able to learn whilst earning a wage. It’s also a big bonus that I’m getting a qualification without the cost and need of having to go to university. My apprenticeship has allowed me to gain a skill whilst doing practical work and it really suits me – I love working with my hands!”
Reza is currently completing a Level 2 Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Repair apprenticeship with Bolton College and Autowerks Garage in Bolton.
He continued: “I’m training to be a mechanic, so I decided to take a selfie next to an engine to demonstrate the sector that I’m in. I really enjoy the course and I’m keen to promote any opportunities in the trade. As car ownership increases, so does the demand for qualified motor vehicle experts – it’s definitely the sector to be in.
“I am so happy to have won the competition and I can’t wait to spend my Amazon voucher – I think I’ll put it towards a new laptop.”
To find out more about the Greater Manchester Apprenticeship Company, contact the project lead Helen Hawxwell