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Making friends is the number one concern parents have for their children post-pandemic


 Anti-Bullying Week 2021: Making friends is the number one concern parents have for their children post-pandemic (@MyTutor)

Anti-Bullying Week this year will be fuelled by the mission of spreading kindness, signified by the promotion of the ‘One Kind Word’ campaign. Running from 15th-19th November, this year’s awareness week will carry the significant poignance of being the first time to address bullying since the endless days of being stuck at home in lockdown. The inability for children to socialise with their friends and build relationships has left a lasting impression upon their development. According to new research from MyTutor – the UK’s most leading tutoring platform – parents have indicated that their children’s ability to make friends, and their vulnerability to bullying now top’s their list of worries. 

In a new landmark study by MyTutor has revealed that 43% of parents are concerned about their child being bullied, followed by 35% worrying about their child’s friendship groups and those influencing them. The study highlighted that after 18 months of disrupted education, the social environment of their children, and abilities to interact with their peers were the most prominent concerns held by parents, further demonstrated by 34% of parents mindful of their children spending too much time on social media.

Key statistics:

  • 43% (4,929,000) of parents worry about their child making friends or being bullied
  • 35% (3,993,000) of parents worry about their child’s friendship group and influencers
  • 34% (3,868,000) of parents worry that their child spends too much time on social media
  • 34% (3,848,000) of parents worry that their child isn’t happy in themselves
  • 28% (3,171,000) of parents worry that their child doesn’t find it easy to communicate how they’re feeling
  • 28% (3,145,000) of parents worry that lockdown has harmed their child’s ability to interact with others
  • 25% (2,844,000) of parents worry that their child is so shy it will hold them back from opportunities in life

To try and help alleviate some of these worries, a parent from the survey suggested encouraging teens to join a club where they’ll meet others with common interests—whether that’s sketching, yoga, ultimate frisbee or a ukulele ensemble. Sometimes, teens just need a mentor to talk to, someone close in age who understands what it’s like to be a teen, which can help boost their confidence. A few parents in the survey also mentioned how helpful it was to have regular talks with their child. A weekly catch-up over cake or hot chocolate to check-in, can work a treat in helping them prioritise, or to say what’s on their mind. They might need that extra support in knowing that it’s alright to lay some activities aside until things feel more settled.

Bertie Hubbard, co-founder and CEO of MyTutor, discusses parental worries as the new academic year begins: 

“The impact of the pandemic on UK families has been immense – from education to the mental and physical health of our children and teens. It’s natural for parents to worry about their child, but it’s helpful to remember that everyone is in the same boat, and as the new academic term kicks off, every student has the chance to catch up on lost learning and achieve the best grades they’re capable of. Getting 1-1 support from a tutor can help ease parental worry and teen stress over a whole host of issues. The focus of 1-1 tuition from a subject and curriculum expert means teens can focus on filling in learning gaps. Our tutors are all university students and recent grads, so they double up as role models, offering teens much-needed reassurance and a boost in confidence – 88% students say that lessons made them feel more confident.”  

Coinciding with a national TV campaign MyTutor is driving to highlight parental worries post pandemic, today’s research serves as an annual study that will be revisited with a view to supporting parents nationwide.  

Today’s research runs alongside a national TV and radio campaign MyTutor is running to highlight how every parent worries about their child and will be run on an annual basis.

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