Apprenticeship standards statutory review
The Institute’s Role
The Institute has a statutory responsibility to regularly review apprenticeship standards to ensure they are high quality and meet the needs of employers.
Approach to the Reviews
We have designed a review approach that is employer-led, informed by stakeholders, overseen by the appropriate route panel and that will underpin the quality of T Levels, as well as apprenticeships. Also, it is proportionate, taking into account other work such as the funding band review.
Balancing these requirements, we are taking a staged approach on reviews. By choosing to focus on the Digital route, a fast-moving route, driven by continual changes in technology, we are prioritising those standards linked to T Levels and those approved prior to the establishment of the Institute in April 2017.
Review of Apprenticeship Standards in the Digital Route
The review of apprenticeship standards on the Digital route commenced on 20 September.
A critical part of the review is the consultation on the 12 digital apprenticeship standards that were approved before the Institute was established. The standards in scope for the review are:
- ST0114 – Cyber Intrusion Analyst
- ST0124 – Cyber Security Technologist
- ST0118 – Data Analyst
- ST0119 – Digital & Technology Solution Professional
- ST0125 – Infrastructure Technician
- ST0117 – IS Business Analyst
- ST0127 – Network Engineer
- ST0116 – Software Developer
- ST0128 – Software Development Technician
- ST0129 – Software Tester
- ST0130 – Unified Communications Technician
- ST0131 – Unified Communications Trouble Shooter
The standards will be assessed against the Institute’s current occupation requirements and occupational standard criteria as well as considering the impact on T levels.
The review will focus on the occupational standard in the first instance. We intend this as a proportionate approach with revisions to the assessment plan and funding band being made if necessary, dependent on the scale of change.
Throughout the process, we are working with employers, apprentices, providers and other key stakeholders in a collaborative and open way, and providing channels for them to feedback on the review, through an external consultation.
The consultation will run for 4 weeks and will conclude on 18 October 2018. The consultation can be found here. We welcome any comments on the occupational standards currently being reviewed.
We will announce the outcomes of the review in the New Year along with a forward looking review timetable. The digital route will serve as a pilot and we will use lessons learned to inform future reviews.
Until the end of the review and the implementation of any changes, it is business as usual on the existing apprenticeship standards.