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Apprenticeships Levelling up Creativity in the Northern Powerhouse: Apprentify Group Celebrates 17th National Apprenticeship Week  

man in black hoodie

 Digital apprenticeship provider Apprentify is celebrating the achievements of its apprentices during the 17th annual National Apprenticeship Week (NAW). Commencing 5th February 2024, NAW’s theme this year is ‘Skills for Life’ reflecting on how apprenticeships can help drive growth for organisations and boost careers. To commemorate this calendar event, Apprentify is recognising the success of its apprentices, shining a light on Manchester’s Dominic Brooke. 

Dominic Brooke, 25, lives in Manchester and is enrolled as a Level 3 Content Creator Apprentice and is the Content and Marketing Manager at The Manufacturing Institute. Graduating with a degree in Law from the University of Cardiff in 2020, Dominic opted for an alternative route than his peers. Feeling drawn to a more creative industry he enrolled in a Content Creator apprenticeship with The Juice Academy. In this role, he helped to build the marketing department from the ground up, creating an entirely new catalogue of marketing assets in the process. 

Dominic Brooke said:

“Law [at university] was very book-based, I was buried in them all day and night, whereas the apprenticeship was hands on. You are getting the knowledge while also practicing the actual skills. My apprenticeship has really challenged and developed my creativity in ways that have been very beneficial.” 

Apprentify provides apprentices for organisations across the UK and has so far helped to elevate the careers of over a thousand people in the UK with their apprenticeship courses. Offering an alternative career path with on-the-job skills training while earning a salary and a qualification upon completion, Apprentify curate courses based on the industry developments while tailoring curriculum and coaching to the individual and organisational needs. 

Dominic now feels that his career is rewarding and is happy to have switched direction to an apprenticeship. He added: “It depends on the person. One of the main reasons I didn’t switch from my Law degree initally was because I didn’t know if I was going to change paths and experience the exact same thing. With an apprenticeship, you are experiencing it as you learn, so you know if you want to do it at the end.” 

Speaking on the public stigma surrounding apprenticeships, especially the comparison with university degrees, Dominic finds this “problematic” and advises those who are considering their career path should come into it with an open mind. “A common misconception about apprenticeships is that they are only for 19-year-olds who are unsure of what they want to do. They can benefit anyone at any stage of their career and one of the best ways to get your feet into a company or gain experience while learning on the job.” 

As someone who has engaged with both routes, Dominic found his apprenticeship offered him an environment that aligned better with his career goals and provided more relevant teaching. Going forward, he hopes to continue to explore his creativity further while developing his understanding of the manufacturing industry. 

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