ASCL Cymru comment on GCSE results in Wales

Commenting on GCSE results in Wales, Eithne Hughes, incoming director of the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) Cymru, said:
“Congratulations to schools, teachers and pupils on today’s GCSE results. They are the product of enormous hard work by all involved.
“We are extremely concerned about the decline in the percentage of 16-year-olds passing English Language and Welsh Second Language at A*-C and we are today calling on the Welsh government and regulators to work with us to understand the reasons which have led to this situation.
“We can assure the public that there has been absolutely no let-up in the commitment of schools to produce the very best outcomes for their pupils, and it is important to understand that these results come at a time of enormous change in the Welsh education system which has included a huge overhaul of GCSE specifications.
“We need to work out exactly how these factors may have impacted upon results and then ensure that we address any issues that this process raises rather than jumping to conclusions. It is vital to get this right so that we are in the best position possible to implement the even more ambitious reforms which are planned to the Welsh curriculum over the next few years.”