BCS launches e-learning specialist group in Second Life

As e-learning continues to expand at a pace, the British Computer Society (BCS) is establishing an e-learning specialist group to provide leadership and direction. The group will hold regular meetings in virtual worlds such as Second Life.
With technology embedded in almost every aspect of 21st century life, citizens need to be digitally literate. E-learning provides a solution for those who cannot access colleges and schools – in 2006 nearly 3.5million students* were participating in online learning at higher education institutes. Employers are also embracing the technology that allows their employees to develop additional skills without leaving the workplace.
The BCS e-learning specialist group will work with practitioners in the field to promote best practice in all aspects of e-teaching and e-research. Working with key organisations, the group will develop e-learning policies and procedures, standards and specifications, and participate in ongoing benchmarking, networking and e-learning related dialogues. The group hopes to attract interest from e-learning professionals to develop an active community.
Mike Rodd, director of BCS Learned Society explains: “This is an exciting step for BCS, e-learning standards are already being developed and we need to be part of this development. The formation of this specialist group will help provide an authoritative sounding board for professionals active in e-teaching and e-research.”
E-Learning marks the convergence of the Internet and learning. Network technologies are used to create, foster, deliver, and facilitate learning, anytime and anywhere. Such delivery of individualized, comprehensive, dynamic learning content in real time, aids the development of communities of knowledge, linking learners and practitioners with experts. In recent times e-learning has become a phenomenon delivering accountability, accessibility, and opportunity which allows people and organizations to keep up with the rapid changes that define the Internet world.