From education to employment

Brand-new, free magazine from NetSupport provides a collaborative platform for voices from the education sector

Mag Release

R.I.S.E. magazine aims to be a forum for everyone working within the education sector to share teaching and learning experiences, talk about new initiatives, make recommendations and provide ideas to inspire others.

With schools needing to switch to the remote delivery of teaching and learning practically overnight in March 2020, the education sector has been on a rollercoaster ride ever since. However, showing remarkable adaptability and resilience (and a huge collaborative spirit), the community had no choice but to try new ways of doing things, many involving different education technologies. Sometimes things worked and sometimes they didn’t, but educators persisted, tweaked and learned from mistakes to ensure education continued ā€“ whether synchronously or asynchronously, online or offline ā€“ for the benefit of their students.

Sharing is a huge ethos within the education community and as a company deeply embedded in education, NetSupport wanted to further extend its support to the excellent professionals within the sector and this brand-new, free online magazine is the result.

Editor of R.I.S.E. magazine and former primary school teacher, Kat Cauchi, says: “R.I.S.E magazine is a continued commitment from NetSupport to do its part to support the education community, as well as a way to celebrate the sector and provide an opportunity for voices within education to come together to inspire and empower. Having a forum such as this to share detailed information in article format will complement the bite-sized signposting that already freely takes place within the education community on social media ā€“ and we’ve already had a superb response from contributors.”

The first issue of the magazine sees contributions embracing a range of topics and themes, such as digital learning, wellbeing, diversity and inclusion, tips to manage workload and use pupil voice effectively, as well as Q&A sessions with edtech providers and specialist authors ā€“ from not only the UK but all around the world.

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