Call for speakers from FE sector
Dear Colleague
Supporting and enhancing learning through the effective use of technology
Notification of forthcoming conference and invitation to present a workshop at it: workshop proposals needed by 12.00 noon on Monday 8 December 2008
A conference in central London on Thursday 5 February 2009 for all those engaged in the Further Education (FE) system
We would like to invite you to share good practice at the Thursday 5 February 2009 national launch conference for the eCPD Enhancing Learning Programme. BDP Learning, the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) and a consortium of FE partners have been commissioned to deliver the programme on behalf of the Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS).
Many of you will recall the outstandingly successful e-learning practitioner conferences held in 2005 and 2007 which were organised by QIA and ALT and supported by partners including Becta, JISC, NIACE, LSN and CEL. The eCPD Programme launch conference will build on these and excite and inspire more practitioners to become involved.
If you or your organisation have good practice to share in the use of technology to support learning, we invite you to submit a proposal to run a workshop at the launch conference.
Are you interested in presenting at the event?
If so, please complete the attached proposal form and return it to Hayley Willis (ALT Events Manager) by 12.00 noon on Monday 8 December 2008. A copy of the proposal form is also available at All submissions will be acknowledged, and we will let you know the result of the selection process before Christmas, to give those invited to run workshops plenty of time to prepare for the event.
For those selected to present, we will meet reasonable travel and accommodation costs. As in previous years, presenters will make two identical 45-minute presentations, to include at least 20 minutes for questions. The event will be organised to allow those giving presentations to attend two different sessions themselves; those not presenting will be able to attend four different sessions during the day thereby maximising the value of the event.
If you are not presenting but would like to attend, please note that further information about the conference will be distributed widely later in November. Booking for the conference will open in mid December from To register your interest for the event, and to be kept informed about arrangements, please join the low-volume email announcements list at
We do hope you will be able to contribute or participate in what we know will be an exciting and informative event. In case of difficulty, please email Hayley Willis at ALT ([email protected]).
Yours sincerely,
Markos Tiris
Programme Director
Learning and Skills
Improvement Service (LSIS)