CASCAID announces the latest Careers Report

CASCAID announces the latest Careers Report, a thorough analysis of the changing career choices by young people.
CASCAID is pleased to announce the latest Careers Report – Big data, big insights: investigating the aspirations of young people. The report captures data that can be used to analyse broad trends in the career interests that young people have, their aspirations and their perceptions of ability.
For the first time, the data review includes information across genders which raises some interesting comparisons relating to gaps that exist between males and females in terms of aspirations and perceptions of skills.
Reviewing its career data by postcode area, CASCAID investigates data at a national level together with data from the 12 identified opportunity areas for any apparent differences in the aspirations of young people.
“The choices that young people face with regards to their educational and career options are increasingly complex. This year’s careers report highlights the aspirations of young people and their perceptions of their own abilities, offering educators, employers and service providers insight into some of the key challenges we face in helping young people create their successful future” said CASCAID’s Chief Executive Jim Burton. CASCAID’s aim is to help young people and adults make the best possible decision about their future career destination and the learning and training journey that takes them to it. CASCAID connects the present to future potential, whether that’s understanding where school subjects can lead to or how skills gained in one occupation can be utilised elsewhere.
About CASCAID: With 50 years’ experience, CASCAID (part of Xello) is an EdTech provider and the global leader in producing careers information and guidance technology solutions. Our products are used in the education and career guidance sectors throughout the UK and internationally.