College students raise money for mental health charity

Students from Barnsley College’s Childcare and Education Professions and Health, Science and Social Care Professions have raised money for mental health charity Mind, by completing the 27 27 Challenge throughout March.
The 27 27 Challenge was created to raise money in solidarity with the 27% of individuals who report a mental health problem whilst studying at university, by walking or running 27 miles in 27 days.
The students walked a total of 792 miles, the equivalent of travelling to Zurich, Switzerland, from the College’s Old Mill Lane campus and raised over £130 for the charity.
Whilst completing the challenge, students became more aware of mental health and wellbeing, the work that Mind do for children and young adults, and the support services available to them to access at the College.
Leah Carver, a Level 3 Childcare student, said:
“I wanted to get involved in this challenge because I know that mental health is a big issue especially now and I wanted to do my part to help in whatever way I could.
“I think it’s an amazing idea to do challenges like this one, as it got us out of our houses and benefited our own mental health as well as raised money and awareness to benefit other people’s mental health. I walked a total of 54 miles, which was well over the target of 27 and raised £98.”
Sydni Fallis, Tutorial Learning Mentor for Childcare and Health at Barnsley College, added:
“At Barnsley College, we work alongside Mind throughout the academic year, re-enforcing the importance of positive mental health and ensuring students are aware of where they can access support around this. With students familiar with Mind as a charity, we wanted to support the initiative to promote both positive mental health and raise awareness.”
Barnsley College’s students have a wealth of support facilitates available to them, from careers advice and university application support at the Job Shop to wellbeing teams for sensitive and personal issues at the Health and Wellbeing centre.
The College is also part of the Association of College’s mental health charter, which places emphasis on creating an environment that constantly promotes the wellbeing and mental health of both staff and students.