Consultation outcome: Improving adult basic digital skills
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Improving adult basic digital skills: government response
Ref: DfE-00081-2019PDF, 1.05MB, 26 pages
Detail of outcome
Summary of responses we received, along with the government’s response outlining the next steps.
New national standards are available at national standards for essential digital skills.
The impact assessment related to this consultation is available at improving adult basic skills: equality impact assessment.
Original consultation
We are seeking views on plans to improve adult basic digital skills.
This consultation was held on another website.
This consultation ran from
Consultation description
We’d like your views on new national standards setting out the basic digital skills needed for life and work. This includes plans to introduce improved basic digital skills qualifications at 2 levels:
- ‘beginner’ – designed for adults with little or no prior experience of using digital devices or the internet
- ‘essential’ – designed for adults with some experience of using digital devices and the internet, but lacking the full range of basic digital skills needed for life and work
We’re also seeking views on arrangements to introduce a national entitlement to basic digital skills training from 2020, along with existing entitlements for English and maths.
Published 18 October 2018
Last updated 23 April 2019 + show all updates
- Published the government response to the consultation with links to impact assessment and new national standards for essential digital skills.
- First published.