Cornwall College tweets A-Level results

Cornwall College will use the latest social networking trend, the micro-blogging site Twitter, to publish this year’s A-Level results on Thursday.
With students’ permission, the College will post their grades on Twitter, which has seen its popularity soar in recent years to now rival social networking giants Facebook and Myspace. The posts, or ‘tweets’ as they’re known, will then show up on the site for the public to see, as the students open them.
Tweets can be up to 140 characters in length, and are shown on a user’s profile page. Subscribers are able to receive these updates via instant messaging, SMS, RSS, email or other applications.
Dave Linnell OBE, principal of Cornwall College, said: “Twitter is a great communications tool. Although it is still relatively new to further education; it is free and very easy to get involved with. As one of the largest colleges in the country, we have to appeal to a wide community and keep students, staff, parents, businesses and alumni all engaged and interested in the College. By engaging with social media this allows us to try and reach those audiences.
“As each student opens their envelopes, the College will be posting their results instantly and this year we’re hoping to beat 2008’s pass marks, which saw St Austell gain 100% in 30 subjects.
“By using Twitter to publish our results, it will allow us to share and celebrate our successes instantly and worldwide. It is perfect for those students whose parents will be working on the day and waiting anxiously to hear their son/daughter’s results as they will be able to log onto the Cornwall College Twitter page and watch them as they get tweeted.”
If you would like to follow Cornwall College on Twitter click here.