Department for Education warn of free school meals email scam

Be aware of scam emails warns @EducationGovUK
We have been informed that some parents have received an email stating the following: ‘As schools will be closing, if you’re entitled to free school meals, please send your bank details and we’ll make sure you’re supported.’
We can confirm that this is a scam email and is not official.
We urge parents that if you receive any emails like this, please do not respond, and delete it immediately.
Guidance for schools and local authorities on free school meals arrangements during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is available below:
Providing free school meals during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
Coronavirus (COVID-19): temporary extension of free school meals eligibility to NRPF groups
Sample free school meals application form for NRPF groups
MS Word Document, 32.6KB
This guidance will help schools and local authorities to continue providing free school meals to eligible pupils where:
- the pupil has to stay at home because they and/or wider family members are displaying coronavirus (COVID-19) related symptoms
- the school is only open for certain groups