Does your business face a cyber risk?

The CBI recently hosted its fourth annual Cyber Conference which brought together over 250 senior business leaders. The aim of the conference was to empower business leaders to move from awareness to action on cyber security. To coincide with the conference, the CBI also released new research exploring the link between data, trust and technology to help move the conversation forward.
Read Building trust in the digital economy
During the conference, the CBI’s Chief UK Policy Director, Matthew Fell highlighted that businesses’ use of data goes to the heart of consumer trust. This is in line with the CBI’s Everyone business research which examines the issues of trust, privacy and innovation and highlights that a commitment to data security is a fundamental part of a businesses’ license to operate in the modern economy.
Also speaking at the conference was Ciaran Martin, CEO of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC). In his keynote speech he said that “…nodding to avoid feeling foolish can sometimes be the most foolish thing to do.”. Mr Martin’s address was targeted towards board executives who hold the key to improving cyber resilience amongst the business community.
To help businesses, the NCSC released guidance for boards in the form of five key questions that business should be asking to help understand how they can best defend, protect and plan.
Read the NCSC’s five key questions
The CBI is running a series of Cyber events across the UK, for more information please visit the CBI events page or contact [email protected].
Building trust in the digital economy
New CBI research shows in no uncertain terms that the way a company treats personal data is the top concern for potential customers and business partners.
The latest findings shows power to improve business reputation lies firmly in the hands of business