From education to employment

Employers Pledge to up-skill the workforce

Local employers gathered at an event held by Mid-Cheshire College to learn of the benefits of up-skilling their workforce. New Government initiatives to assist continuous improvement to the labour market are available through work-based training schemes such as Train to Gain.
Many employers and employees have already benefited from these schemes, including Alan Hind of KC Autos in Winsford “We have certainly reaped the rewards from our current training programmes, over 20 employees have achieved NVQ level 3. The company has now been recognised with a BSI Kite mark, Standard PAS 125 for providing quality craftsmanship” said Alan.
Government are now encouraging employers throughout the UK to sign a ‘Skills Pledge’ “This is a commitment to actively encourage and support employees to gain the skills and qualifications that will support their future employability” said Stephanie Jeffers of Business Link. “I would like to congratulate Edmund Nuttall Ltd who has committed to sign the skills pledge, here today” Stephanie added.
Mid-Cheshire College Vice-Principals, Wanda Ford and Simon Andrews also spoke of the College’s forthcoming plans to rebuild the Hartford Campus and the brand new Learning Zone in Winsford which will provide over £50M of state-of-the-art facilities for the local area.
The group of employers, including Cheshire County Council and Vale Royal Borough Council also enjoyed lunch, prepared and served by the College’s hospitality and catering students.

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