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ESFA weekly round-up – Issue 381

ESFA weekly round-up - Issue 378

Education & Skills Funding Agency’s weekly round-up of business-critical information to ESFA-funded colleges, other training organisations and direct grant employers. (29 Nov 2017)

1. ESFA e-tendering portal – new URL


All organisations that currently use the e tendering portal at the following address: need to be aware that this address has now changed to

Organisations should take note of this change and we recommend that you add the new URL to your favourites as the old URL will be removed 1st December 2017.

2. Funding reports guidance 2017 to 2018


We have published version 2 of the guidance on the 2017 to 2018 ILR funding reports generated when providers submit an individualised learner record file. This guidance for young people and adult programmes covers:

  • 16 to 19 (excluding apprenticeships)
  • adult education budget
  • all apprenticeships
  • European Social Fund
  • Advanced Learner Loans bursary

Version 2 contains information on the new funding line types for procured adult education budget and apprenticeship programmes.

For further information, please contact the service desk.

3. Earnings adjustment statement 2017 to 2018


We have published version 2 of the guidance on the earnings adjustment statement (EAS) 2017 to 2018. This sets out how to use the EAS for the funding year 2017 to 2018 for the adult education budget, apprenticeships and the advanced learner loans bursary.

The EAS is an online form available on the Hub. Please complete this if you wish to record funding not recorded on the individualised learner record, including excess learning support and learner support.

Version 2 contains information on the new funding line types for procured adult education budget and apprenticeship programmes.

For further information or related queries, please contact the service desk.

4. Disability Confident – offering an interview to disabled people


Vacancies on find an apprenticeship for employers who have committed to Disability Confident will now have the Disability Confident logo showing on their vacancies.

A Disability Confident employer will generally offer an interview to any applicant that declares they have a disability and meets the minimum criteria for the job as defined by the employer.

It is important to note that in certain recruitment situations such as high-volume, seasonal and high-peak times, the employer may wish to limit the overall numbers of interviews offered to both disabled people and non-disabled people.

For more details please visit the Disability Confident page on GOV.UK.

5. New qualification achievement rates (QAR) and minimum standards landing page on GOV.UK


We have launched a new collection page on GOV.UK which combines all key publications for QARs and Minimum Standards into one place, including:

  • business rules
  • technical specifications
  • minimum standards threshold guidance
  • links to the national achievement rate tables (NARTS)
  • links to the 16 to 18 performance tables
  • guidance for accessing your QAR data once it is available.

We will use this page for any key communications during the annual cycle.

If you have any feedback or questions regarding the landing page, please contact the service desk.

6. Qualification achievement rates (QAR) 2016 to 2017 – provisional data window


We will publish your provisional QAR data for 2016 to 2017 in the week commencing Monday 8 January 2018.

You have until 5pm Friday 2 February 2018 to inform us of any concerns about how we have implemented our published methodology; you cannot request fixes or adjustments to your 2016 to 2017 ILR data.

Your final QAR data will be published during March 2018.

If you have any questions, please contact the service desk.

7. Qualification achievement rates (QAR) R04 data reminder


We only use the R04 ILR return for the 2017 to 2018 funding year to identify:

  • late notified apprenticeship achievements
  • restarts for learners returning from a planned break
  • achievements within 90 days for the timely QAR calculations.

The R04 ILR return for the 2017 to 2018 funding year will not be used to correct any changes from the data recorded in the R14 ILR return for 2016 to 2017.

If you have any questions, please contact the service desk.


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