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Nick Gibb statement on home testing kits and PPE for schools and colleges

Nick Gibb

  • Each school and college will receive 10 home test kits each – they can request more test kits if required. Home test kits should only be offered to individuals in the exceptional circumstance that schools and colleges believe an individual may not be able to access a test elsewhere. The best and fastest way for students or staff to access a test is to visit a testing site.
  • Schools and colleges will shortly receive a delivery of a small amount of personal protective equipment (PPE). This one-off distribution of PPE will contain clinical face masks, aprons, gloves, visors and hand sanitiser and is being provided free of charge by the Department of Health and Social Care to help build resilience across the education sector to respond to any suspected cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) arising in schools and colleges.

Minister for School Standards Nick Gibb said:

“All pupils are returning to school for the start of the autumn term – delivering on our national priority to get all pupils back to the classroom, which is the best place for their education, development and wellbeing.

“I have seen first hand the protective measures schools have put in place ahead of pupils returning, and the lengths they have gone to so that their pupils and staff are as safe as possible. This week schools and colleges will begin to receive their first home testing kits as well as personal protective equipment to use in the very rare situations in which it may be required.

“I hope this acts as additional reassurance to parents that schools are ready to welcome children back to school, adding to the growing parental confidence shown in recent opinion polls.”

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