How we can support SEND being at the centre

Joel Featherman’s Statement
CEO of PublicCo, Joel Featherman, recently commented for the AELP 2017 annual conference magazine on how we should be putting SEND at the centre of strategy.
The 0-25 SEND Code of Practice highlights the principles that should be observed by all professionals working with children and young people, who have SEN or disabilities.
One of the principles in the guide to the 0 to 25 SEND code of practice is focusing on inclusive practices and removing barriers to learning.
Featherman recognised this point and explained how the Government’s implementation of SEND reforms has enforced and encouraged some change, through a combination of hard incentives, as well as softer support.
He explained how different approaches to “meeting the needs of learners with SEND can be enabled through greater alignment of SEND provision with organisational strategy”
His proposal identifies three key approaches to make SEND central including:
- Putting SEND at the centre of strategy, with organisations asking themselves whether there is there capacity and demand for SEND delivery to be linked to wider institutional strategy.
- Making organisations SEND-focussed by design. If organisations were designed to achieve the best outcomes for learners with SEND, it is possible they would look very different from current providers.
- Developing a SEND by default attitude. As organisations respond to sector-wide reforms, more often than not the needs of learners with SEND are not included.
Making SEND provision central to organisation strategy will exemplify best practice and offer insight, to help organisations improve inclusion and provision.
Our CEO Chris Quickfall’s Response
Chris Quickfall explains how “Recognising those learners with disabilities and supporting them in the right way will be vital to SEND provision.
CognAssist has assessed over 10,000 apprentices so far and successfully identified 19.7% of those apprentices with some form of hidden learning need.
One of the many benefits of CognAssist is that leaners can be given the tools needed to succeed, as the product supports the drawdown of LSF1, by providing the evidence needed to claim the fund. The fund is £150 per learner, per month.”
How CognAssist can support putting SEND at the centre
CognAssist is aiming to lead putting SEND at the centre by helping organisations to understand their learner’s needs and support those needs once identified.
We understand that one size does not fit all and we’re working hard to improve learner progression through inclusion, by identifying those who need support and introducing targeted interventions and adaptations.
We have developed the sector’s most sophisticated digital assessment tool to identify neurodiversity in under 30 minutes. By working in partnership with leading Neuropsychologists Dr Welch and Dr Skilbeck, we have digitised eight established paper-based assessments for each of the eight domains of the brain.
CognAssist will be supporting improving SEND delivery across the sector. If you would like to find out more about how we can support your organisation and learners please email our Sales Executive Leah Grimshaw or call 07766916221.