Launch of new skills development sessions mapped to national essential digital skills standards

Ten new online workshops have recently been launched aimed at helping practitioners develop skills and confidence to teach specific aspects of the five Essential Digital Skills set out in the national standards launched last April.
The five skills areas cover:
- Using devices and handling information – using devices, finding and evaluating information, managing and storing information, identifying and solving technical problems
- Creating and editing – creating and editing documents and digital media, processing numerical data
- Communicating – communicating, sharing and managing traceable online activities
- Transacting – using online services, buying securely online
- Being safe and responsible online – protecting privacy and data, being responsible online, digital wellbeing.
The ten skills sessions, which are being delivered by either James Kieft of Activate Learning or Sally Betts and Barbara Nance of ideas4Learning, are focused on the aspects of the five skills areas where practitioners have asked for support.
The sessions, badged as ‘Let’s Chat @ Essential Digital Skills’ explore approaches for delivery that could be implemented with learner groups, including how they could be delivered through online/blended delivery.
Upcoming sessions are from 11.00am to 12.00 noon and cover:
- 1 December How to teach digital wellbeing
- 8 December How to teach creating and editing digital media
- 16 December How to teach about online identity
- 12 January How to teach about dealing with technical problems
- 20 January How to teach across a range of devices
- 26 January How to teach about processing numerical data
- 2 February How to teach about using online services
- 9 February How to teach about digital assessment of learning
Two sessions will be available on demand:
- firstly on teaching essential digital skills online/blended, and
- secondly, on teaching digital skills in a way that maximises digital inclusion.
To book onto these skills sessions, visit the ETF booking system.
The Education and Training Foundation’s Essential Digital Skills CPD programme is now in full delivery mode with a wide range of opportunities available to help develop knowledge, skills and confidence, either to deliver the new Essential Digital Skills qualifications launched this autumn, or for teachers and trainers wanting to develop their digital skills more generally.