Message for parents/guardians

I hope that you and your family have enjoyed the summer break.
As our students return to College we would like to make you aware of the arrangements that will be in place from the start of this autumn term and how we will continue to prioritise the health and safety of our students whilst they are at College.
Firstly, it is our intention that the majority of teaching will be carried out on a face to face basis, although we will also be looking to provide enhanced support for those learners who are having to self-islolate at home.
Whilst our students are at College we will continue to closely follow current Welsh Government guidance. This means there is no requirement for cluster/bubble groups or for students to wear face coverings. Nevertheless, we will continue to encourage hand sanitisation and physical distancing and students are welcome to wear face coverings if they so wish.
If a student tests positive for Covid-19, the new rule is that the student will need to self-isolate for 10 days.
Peers who have been in close contact with a student who has tested positive can expect to be contacted by NHS Test Trace Protect (TTP) and will be advised accordingly. The advice is likely to include a recommendation to take a PCR test, but if the student has no symptoms and is under 18 years of age or is fully vaccinated, then there is no reason to self-isolate.
If it is difficult to identify a close contact, for example, on College transport or in some workshops, then the College will make contact and advise the parent/guardian to keep a close eye for possible symptoms (and again recommend a PCR test).
If you are in any doubt, you can order a PCR test at or by calling 119.
So, to confirm, anyone with symptoms – a new continuous cough, fever or high temperature or loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste – should remain in self-isolation until the test result is known. You can find the latest information on self-isolation arrangements at
We recognise how difficult the past 18 months have been and the sacrifices all families have had to make. Thank you for everything you have done to support our students and our College.
Kind regards
Mark Jones, Principal