MP Sally-Ann Hart welcomes new service in Hastings

New HMPPS CFO Activity Hubs helping individuals in the Criminal Justice System to build a better future
Hastings and Rye MP Sally-Ann Hart has visited a new service which provides a safe and supportive space to help individuals move away from crime and reintegrate back into society.
Interventions Alliance, part of the employee owned Seetec Group (@SeetecInspire), which is running the service, was delighted to welcome Sally-Ann Hart to its service hub in Hastings on 23rdJuly.
The newly launched Co-financing organisations (CFO) Activity Hubs offer support to individuals who are on their rehabilitation journey, helping them move away from a life of crime and to reintegrate back into their local community.
Interventions Alliance was awarded the Co-financing Organisation (CFO) Activity Hubs across three English regions, South East, North West and South West at the end of last year. The Hastings site is a satellite to the South East service, offering tailored support, advice, and guidance, as well as the chance to interact with positive role models and peers at a similar stage of their resettlement journey.
Speaking of her visit, Sally-Ann Hart MP said:
“Rehabilitation is an essential aspect of the criminal justice system. Punishment alone does not reduce reoffending rates as many people processed within the criminal justice system have underlying factors or vulnerabilities that can make them prone to offending. Rehabilitation makes sense not only from a human perspective, but also from an economic perspective and I really welcome this CFO Activity Hub, here in Hastings, which will help local offenders move away from a life of crime and reintegrate back into our local community. Whilst the past cannot be changed, hope is a powerful force for everyone.”
As an established provider of high-quality public services, Interventions Alliance believes that no one should be left behind. Offenders are one group in our society that can sometimes feel they are forgotten. CFO Activity Hubs will deliver targeted interventions to improve the support provided to one of the hardest-to-reach groups in our society.
Claire Jones, Deputy Director of Service Delivery Interventions Alliance continued:
“We were delighted to be able to show Sally-Ann our service which is up and running in Hastings. TheCFO Activity Hubs will provide a safe and supportive space for thoseon probation license or supervision orders to develop plans to move forward.
“Working in partnership with specialist organisations, we are helping individuals in the criminal justice system to build a better future through tailored support, advice and guidance, as they progress on their rehabilitation journey.
“The work will positively benefit our communities by equipping participants with the necessary skills needed to stop offending and successfully contribute to their local communities.”
Intervention Alliance is committed to putting offenders at the heart of their own rehabilitation journey, combining skills training, employability services and practitioner expertise, all of which aims to move individuals into a crime-free life.The business is already experienced at delivering probation services by supporting 19,100 people with convictions each year on their journeys away from crime.
The CFO is part funded by the European Social Fund and is also in operation in Manchester, Liverpool and Warrington, Bristol, and Chatham.