National Education Group Wins Company of the Year at Prestigious Awards Event

National Education Group (NEG) has won ‘Company of the Year’ (over £3m turnover) at the prestigious Bett Awards 2021, showcase for the world’s leading education technology.
NEG has received this award in recognition of a customer-oriented approach which enables it to respond swiftly to schools’ most pressing needs throughout perhaps the most stressful and uncertain period in modern times.
NEG’s dual offer to schools combines the provision of remote video CPD with full CPD management via The National Hub, an online platform developed by schools for schools – meaning that NEG now occupies a unique position in the marketplace in providing schools with a complete CPD solution.
Operating under its brands The National College and National Online Safety, NEG has supported schools’ response to the challenges posed by the pandemic and constantly evolving online safety issues, with training resources designed and delivered in collaboration with experts in the field.
The quality of training content, a flexible mode of delivery, unrivalled responsiveness, cost-effective membership options and outstanding customer service – these are some of the benefits which have attracted glowing praise from the school community.
Investment and innovation have further differentiated NEG’s brands. Over the past year it has launched world-leading mobile apps and refined its online platform to enhance accessibility and remote CPD management.
The Bett Awards judges commented that NEG has shown outstanding performance against all criteria. In particular it has demonstrated excellent growth over the last year, and this looks set to continue. The judges were very impressed by the quality and relevance of the company’s services, evidenced by outstanding testimonials. “Their commitment to development, responsiveness to changing market needs, along with high levels of customer care make NEG worthy winners of this award.”
Neil Gamewell, Chief Executive Officer at NEG, commented:
“It’s an amazing feeling. Ever since we started the company, we’ve done things differently. We’ve been on an incredible journey over the last 4 years and to now be recognised for the biggest award at Bett is an outstanding achievement which reflects the passion, drive and determination of the whole team. We’ve always believed in what we’re doing and that we’re making a difference so for that same vision to be acknowledged by others really does mean the world to us.”