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New IT and Telecoms Insights 2008 reports from e-skills UK



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e-skills UK releases further insight into the IT and Telecoms skills landscape


e-skills UK has released another four reports as part of the ‘IT and Telecoms Insights 2008’ series, which presents a unique view of the key trends, opportunities and challenges facing the UK over the next ten years, and their implications for skills.


The reports provide further insight into the findings previewed in the headline report ‘Technology Counts: IT and Telecoms Insights 2008’ which was launched at the end of January.


The full series provides an in-depth understanding of the existing IT and Telecoms industry and forecasts the future based on the best available global intelligence, including new input from more than 4,000 UK employers.


The four new reports now available are:


>        ‘IT & Telecoms Insights 2008: Trends and Skills in the UK Telecoms Industry’ (e-skills UK/Auridian) – This report, which includes input from leading Telecoms employers, provides insights into future trends specific to the Telecoms sector and identifies the potential impacts and likely skills implications for the workforce.

>        ‘IT and Telecoms Insights 2008: Competitiveness of the UK IT & Telecoms Sector’ (e-skills UK) – This report provides an evaluation of the competitiveness and performance of the IT & Telecoms sector regionally, nationally and internationally. It provides key comparative data including information on productivity, growth and the competitive environment and includes an investigation into the links between competitiveness and IT strategic management and leadership skills.

>        ‘IT and Telecoms Insights 2008 : The Impact of ICT on UK Productivity’ (e-skills UK/Adroit Economics and Regeneris Consulting) – This report considers the extent to which Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) impact the UK’s national and regional economies, and the implications for increasing productivity and GVA both for the UK as whole and within each nation/region. It also identifies possible interventions to optimise future productivity through ICT adoption.

>        ‘IT and Telecoms Insights 2008: Employer Skills Needs Survey’ (e-skills UK) – This report is based on a survey of 3,026 employers. Considering both IT & Telecoms professionals (within IT & Telecoms companies and across all other sectors) and IT users, the survey assesses current and future skills needs; recruitment, vacancies and skills shortages; and the proficiency and skills gaps of the existing workforce.


The ‘IT and Telecoms Insights 2008’ suite comprises the ‘Technology Counts’ headline report, a set of nine in-depth reports and an additional set for the nine English Regions, Scotland and Wales. Further reports will soon be available as part of the series.


For more information and free downloadable copies of the reports, go to



Anne Coquin
Marketing & Communications


e-skills UK is campaigning to make the UK world class in technology skills


e-skills UK

The Sector Skills Council for IT & Telecoms
1 Castle Lane, London, SW1E 6DR


T: 0207 963 8924
M: 07818 015217
E: [email protected]


Proprietor: e-skills UK Sector Skills Council Ltd – A company limited by guarantee – Registered in England no. 4019051
Registered office: Victoria House, 39 Winchester Street, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 7EQ – VAT no. 830 3758 35 GB


Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils


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