Occupational maps consultation published

The Institute for Apprenticeships has published the results of its occupational maps consultation. This accompanies the Department for Education’s response to their consultation on T level implementation.
T levels are the new classroom-based technical qualifications that will be available alongside apprenticeships, as part of the government’s high-quality technical education offer. Occupational maps provide the framework of standards that align T levels with apprenticeships.
The Institute took ownership of occupational maps in November 2017 and, as part of its commitment to the employer-led development of apprenticeship standards and the future responsibility for the delivery of T level qualifications, conducted a public consultation.
The consultation generated 386 responses from a wide range of organisation types and individuals, spanning professional bodies, employers, further education colleges, training providers and assessment organisations. In addition, a series of ten consultation events were held across the country, covering both T levels and occupational maps, with over 500 people attending.
Sir Gerry Berragan, CEO, Institute for Apprenticeships said: “
Getting feedback to this consultation has been critical in ensuring the Institute is best placed to take on the T level implementation. Occupational maps will be the driver for high quality within the new technical education system, ensuring employers can tap into greater and more diverse talent and that learners get the skills they need to flourish in an ever more competitive workplace.
The occupational maps will be owned and reviewed regularly by the Institute’s industry and assessment experts to ensure they remain accurate, up-to-date and forward-looking.
Skilled occupations
The 15 occupational maps detail the skilled occupations for which apprenticeships or T level qualifications need to be developed. An occupation is defined as the role a person might perform across a range of employers and workplaces, all of whom require similar knowledge, skills and behaviours.