Ofsted: ‘This provider continues to be Good…..’

MiddletonMurray are delighted and very proud to announce that the company has achieved, for the third consecutive time, a ‘Good’ overall rating in a recent short Ofsted inspection of our Traineeship and Apprenticeship programmes.
Five Inspectors visited the offices of MiddletonMurray in mid-July and met with senior management and managers, as well as a number of Traineeship and Apprenticeship Tutors. They also spoke to employers and met a range of Apprentices and learners on our Traineeship and Apprenticeship programmes. Inspectors observed teaching, learning and assessment, reviewed learners’ written work and lesson planning documentation.
The Ofsted inspectors’ report assessed MiddletonMurray as ‘Good’ for every one of the seven categories focussed on and were impressed with the significant improvements that had been made since the last report.
The main reasons cited in the report being:
Leaders have managed changes to the funding, structure, accreditation and teaching of apprenticeships successfully.
Managers have introduced new apprenticeship standards. They have also worked closely with employers to provide suitable support on how to benefit from the new Apprenticeship Levy.
Leaders have developed the vision of the organisation so that it focuses on people of all ages being encouraged to learn, under the strapline ‘Zero 2 degree’. Staff are strongly committed to supporting learners to have a clear idea of what they will do on completing their course.
Leaders and managers maintain strong and effective links with employers. This helps to ensure that learners on traineeships acquire suitable work-related skills.
Managers have reviewed the delivery model for apprenticeships to ensure that apprentices are receiving their full entitlement to 20% of their time training away from day-to-day work commitments. Despite these significant changes, the quality of the Apprenticeship programme remains high.
Commenting on the Ofsted report, MiddletonMurray Chairman Angela Middleton said: ”I am delighted that the Ofsted inspectors, by grading us as ‘Good’, have once again recognised the quality of our Traineeship and Apprenticeship programmes and our commitment to our Learners and Apprentices”.
Angela continued, ”at a time when there are concerns in the industry about the apparent downturn in Ofsted grades and in quality from some Training Providers, the fact that we have maintained our ‘Good’ grading graphically highlights our strong desire and ambition to achieve ‘Outstanding’ status. The reforms highlighted by the Inspectors are just part of the culture of innovation we have built at the Company”.
Angela concluded by adding; ”with the advent of the Apprenticeship Levy earlier this year and our exciting soon-to-be-announced plans for a national presence, it was absolutely vital that our quality continued to improve. Our Ofsted ‘Good’ grading therefore solidifies our status as being one of the top Apprenticeship providers in the country”.
Download the short Ofsted inspection report here