DfE to Review GCSE, AS and A level physical education activity list

The Department for Education is inviting proposals to add activities to the published GCSE, AS and A level physical education (PE) activity list. This consultation closes at
Why We Are Consulting
The Department for Education published subject content for reformed physical education (PE) GCSE, AS and A levels in England in January 2015.
GCSE: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/gcse-physical-education
AS and A level: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/gce-as-and-a-level-physical-education
Both sets of subject content include a list of activities in which students can be assessed as part of these qualifications.
Alongside publication of the subject content, the Department also announced that it would carry out a review of the activity list once the first of the new PE GCSEs, AS and A levels had been awarded in summer 2018. Accordingly, we are now inviting proposals to add activities to the published list.
- Anyone from any background
- GCSE subject content
- GCE AS and A level subject content
Consultation description
In 2015 the Department for Education published new subject content for GCSE, AS and A level physical education (PE).
The department also announced that it would carry out a review of the activity list after the first of the new qualifications had been awarded in summer 2018.
The department is now inviting proposals to add activities to the published list.