Open University to Roll Out Digital Exams and Assessments

Open University to Roll Out Digital Exams and Assessments with WISEflow for Five Year Period
UNIwise are thrilled to announce that The Open University have opted to deliver their exams and assignments with WISEflow for an initial period of five years, following a rigorous open procedure procurement process under the EU Service Directive.
Students will be able to submit assignments electronically during their studies, and their assignments can be checked and marked off and online, ensuring a consistent experience for both students and markers.
The Open University is a leading university for flexible, innovative teaching and world-leading research in the United Kingdom and in 157 countries worldwide. Uniquely placed to understand the needs of part-time students, combining their learning while earning, their innovative, award-winning distance teaching credentials have seen over two million students receive an education.
Chris Youles, Chief Information Officer at The Open University, believes the transition will prove beneficial to all students. He said:
“We are excited to be working with UNIwise. Their expertise, approach and innovative thinking make them an ideal partner and I am confident that together, we can improve the online experience for our students.”
Steffen Skovfoged, Executive Director at UNIwise, said:
“We are delighted to be in partnership with such a long-standing and renowned institution as The Open University, and to take part in their journey of improving education and life-changing learning for so many students both in the UK and abroad.”