QTLS benefits highlighted in new research
The professional, personal and learner benefits of gaining Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills (QTLS) status have been underlined by new research carried out for the Society of Education and Training (SET) by CFE Research.
QTLS holders who had gained the status since September 2016 were asked about the benefits of their achievement to themselves, their students and the places where they work.
- More than a third (37%) reported that they had moved into a new role since gaining QTLS, with almost half (47%) of those who had done so moving to a new organisation and 40% gaining a promotion internally.
- A significant proportion of those surveyed (34%) had received a pay rise after gaining QTLS.
- The award also correlated with increased job satisfaction and development opportunities. Forty-three per cent reported that they had been given the opportunity to take on new responsibilities, and holders also said they were enjoying their roles more and feeling more confident about them.
- Holders also cited a range of positive impacts on their students, including improved outcomes at formal assessments, enhanced self-reflection, and better engagement and behaviour.
- They also highlighted a significant positive effect for their organisations, that undertaking QTLS had improved collaboration with colleagues and improved standards in teaching and learning.
Martin Reid, Director of the Society for Education and Training, said:
“This research highlights the significant benefits of gaining QTLS to the individuals who achieve it, as well as their students and colleagues. It suggests that QTLS boosts not just employability and pay, but also an individual’s practice and impact.
“These results are not a surprise. Working towards and achieving QTLS helps an individual develop and demonstrate their skills, knowledge and professionalism, which are linked to better performance and recognition.”
Those wishing to apply for the next round of QTLS have until 31 January 2019 to do so.
Applicants must be members of the Society for Education and Training.