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R2L launch Future Priorities for Lifelong Learning, Skills and Tertiary Education report

Students at a table working, Pexels Stock

A group of 11 leading organisations from across the lifelong learning and skills sector have released their 10 policy priorities for the next government today. Produced by the Right 2 Learn (R2L) campaign Future Priorities for Lifelong Learning, Skills and Tertiary Education outlines what the next government needs to do to harness the potential of post-16 education to break down barriers to opportunity and expand life chances across all ages as well as unleashing productivity and economic growth.

The 10 policy priorities are:

  • Urgently review all current Department of Education policies on post 16 education, higher education and lifelong learning.
  • Reform the Lifelong Learning Entitlement (LLE) enabling progression to support all who need it.
  • Produce a sustainable long-term strategy for the post 16 tertiary sector.
  • Ensure apprenticeships are available across all sectors and implement a new growth levy.
  • Develop a comprehensive, national all-age Careers Information, Advice, and Guidance (CIAG) service.
  • Assess and bring together investment related to skills, lifelong learning and post 16 education made by different government departments.
  • Address the under-investment across post 16 learning, further, higher education and skills.
  • Regional strategic planning for post 16 education to maximise the benefits of devolution in tandem with initiatives already being planned for skills, apprenticeships and adult education, by elected mayors, combined authorities and local government.
  • Lift the current block on maintenance support for distance learners and other vulnerable groups.
  • Review skills related tax relief entitlement for employers.

Future Priorities for Lifelong Learning, Skills and Tertiary Education’ is supported by Birkbeck University of London, Careers England, Career Development Institute, City and Guilds, DMH Associates, Learning and Work Institute, LTE Group, National Education Opportunities Network (NEON), University of Salford, Respublica, TechUK, Universities Association for Lifelong Learning (UALL) and Professor Deirdre Hughes OBE.

Lord David Blunkett, Chair of the Labour Council of Skills Advisors, also endorsed the report. As he states:

‘This paper gives the next government a comprehensive programme of ideas, building on previous recommendations to the Labour Party, that can help transform the British economy and reduce inequality by improving the skills of the British people and putting lifelong learning at the centre of its priorities’.

R2L advocates for a policy agenda that support the right to learn throughout life for all. Since 2020 we have engaged over 400 different organisations through our programme of events. R2L is supported by the National Education Opportunities Network (NEON).

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