Exploring occupations that are comparable to teachers in further education (FE)

Research exploring occupations that are comparable to teachers in further education (FE).

Identifying further education teacher comparators
Ref: ISBN 978-1-78105-948-7, DFE-RR850PDF, 480KB, 19 pages
The teaching comparators are based on an exploratory statistical analysis of occupations in terms of:
- pay (experimental)
- working hours
- demographic profile
- qualifications
The analysis aims to develop knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of people teaching in the FE sector. It also looks at roles FE teachers would likely do in the commercial sector.
The research looked at data from the:
- labour force survey
- FE staff individualised records
- annual survey of hours and earnings
The findings were crosschecked against actual labour market flows and views from sector stakeholders.