Statutory guidance: Sex and relationship education

Statutory guidance on sex and relationship education.
Sex and relationship education guidance
Ref: ISBN 1-84185-144-2, DfEE 0116/2000PDF, 532KB, 34 pages
This statutory guidance is for:
- teachers
- headteachers
- governing bodies
It applies to:
- maintained schools
- academies and free schools
It aims to guide schools and teachers on some of the sensitive issues they may have to deal with when teaching sex and relationship education.
It also outlines some practical strategies for teaching and addresses some of the issues for schools concerning confidentiality.
This guidance applies until September 2020. New relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education statutory guidance then replaces it.
Published 6 July 2000
Last updated 25 July 2019 + show all updates
- Added an end date for this guidance and a link to new guidance from 2020.
- First published.