From education to employment

The time is now to embrace AI in the classroom

Jason Wilmot on the FE News exclusive background

Canva’s Head of Education, Jason Wilmot, advocates embracing Generative AI in the classroom to prepare students for an increasingly visual and AI-powered future. Just as industries have shifted with the rise of new technologies, education shouldn’t be left behind. In this piece, Jason discusses why providing AI tools within education will help enhance learning, equip students for tomorrow’s workforce, and give more power to teachers, resulting in efficient lesson planning and engaging content for their students.

Our world is constantly evolving as technological revolutions unfold. Airbnb transformed the way we travel; Uber changed how we get around our cities – we’ve watched entire industries shift in response to new technologies. And while breakthrough innovations consistently captivate our awe, it’s a rare occurrence for a technology to emerge that astonishes even its creators. Generative AI, which has rapidly gained prominence on the global stage in the past year, serves as a unique and remarkable example of such technological advancement.

Not leaving classrooms behind on the journey of AI

Our classrooms – our teachers and students around the world – need to meet this moment. Just like we’ve seen with teams within organisations benefiting from AI – be it creative teams having more freedom to ideate whilst AI looks after admin tasks, or HR teams using the technology to hire more efficiently, and quickly – teachers and students can benefit just as much. And we can’t leave them behind as we journey on in a world that’s becoming increasingly visual, powered by AI.

The intersection of education and technology presents a vast opportunity for transformative growth. Integrating technology into classrooms can enhance learning experiences, bridge educational gaps, and prepare students for the demands of an increasingly digital future. Embracing the potential of educational technology is not only key to fostering innovation and adaptability but is also instrumental in ensuring that our educational systems evolve in tandem with the dynamic landscape of the modern world.

Benefiting from AI in the classroom

At Canva, we’re preparing today’s students for an increasingly visual workforce, whilst allowing teachers to use AI technology to help plan efficient lessons and keep students engaged through thoughtful design. With over 60 million students and teachers around the world using Canva for Education, we know that on a global level there is huge demand for more adoption of AI tools for students and teachers. In the UK, in the government’s call for evidence on generative AI in education, it was made clear that teachers across various levels of education are already beginning to see real benefits from the use of the technology.

Design and AI skills as core skills of the future

Universities and schools need to do a better job preparing students for the future; when they enter the workforce, they will need design and AI skills to be more productive and efficient at work. There are more than one million people now listing Canva as a core skill on their LinkedIn profile – a figure that’s surged 72% year-over-year as visual communication becomes the status quo. This generation are visual communicators, and schools need to meet students where they are, especially to increase engagement.

Fears of misuse

It can’t go unnoticed that among education professionals, the excitement for generative AI within classrooms has been matched with fears of misuse of the technology. Many students and teachers are only just engaging with AI, learning its functionality, and getting to grips with how they can apply it in the classroom. And top of mind is necessitating substantial investments in trust and safety measures, and ensuring that these products are classroom-safe.

Potential for the future

The potential for AI within education is incredibly exciting. We stand on the verge of a future where creativity becomes accessible to all, granting students broader opportunities for creation and exploration, and giving those individuals with diverse learning needs unprecedented support.

At Canva, our dedication lies in introducing top-notch tools to classrooms, ensuring inclusivity for all students. Our recent launch of a suite of AI tools for students exemplifies this commitment. Granting global access to such tools is a profound responsibility and a significant opportunity. It allows us to equip the current generation with the skills to effectively harness AI in their daily lives, recognising that this skillset will soon become a vital requirement in the workplace.

By Jason Wilmot, Head of Education, Canva

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