Uxbridge College student scoops £20,000 scholarship for top university

A top-performing @UxbridgeCollege student has scooped a major scholarship worth £20,000 for one of the country’s best universities.
Bistrit Gurung, who is 19 and originally from Nepal, was awarded a Vice-Chancellor’s scholarship for the University of York, one of the prestigious Russell Group universities, to study Law.
He is currently completing the BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business and is predicted the highest possible grades – three Distinction* – and plans to work in corporate or commercial law. Every year more than 700 students from the college progress to universities across the country, including many prestigious institutions. A total of 80% of Level 3 learners from the Business School go on to Higher Education .
Bistrit’s scholarship application included questions about why he wanted to study at York, including how it would help him achieve his ambitions, as well as what he had done to strive towards excellence.
Bistrit said: “I wanted to go to York because it has an excellent reputation and is a beautiful city. It was also recommended to me. I have worked hard but I’d also like to say a big thank you to those who helped me at Uxbridge College. Afshin Najafipour, the International Officer, and my tutor Mohammed Adrees really helped me through this process – applying to uni as well as for the scholarship. It has been a rewarding experience being at Uxbridge College and I have made some great friends.
“The people and the rules are different in Nepal and they don’t have the same kind of opportunities as in the UK. I will probably work in London after I graduate because that is where so many of the big employers are, and I also have family here.”
Even though the pandemic has limited work experience opportunities, Bistrit has taken part in virtual work experience and additional courses at the law firms Browne Jacobson and Linklaters, and with Hillingdon Council. He will be reading LLB (Hons) Law at York. He also played football in the First Team at Uxbridge College and plans to continue playing at university, as well as enjoying kickboxing.
Afshin, who is part of Uxbridge College’s Advice, Information and Guidance team, said:
“Bistrit is a diligent, highly-motivated student, who has adapted into UK life and education incredibly well. He sets himself ambitious standards, which have led to the achievement of fantastic results. The scholarship award he has received from the University of York is a culmination of all his hard work and effort.
“I hope that Bistrit’s success inspires not just international students, but all students, to aim high and apply for scholarship opportunities. Our team finds that many learners are unaware of scholarships on offer – but it really does pay to do your research! We would encourage any student – even those who are still at school and just thinking about coming to college – to contact us. We can advise and offer advice on how to give yourself the best chance of success, and for school leavers we can help you plan ahead and think about the right steps to a Higher Education for you, whether through an academic or vocational route.”