Worryingly large divide in tech workforce outside of the capital #FutureofWork

This morning (22 Aug) Accenture announced that the UK currently has 422,000 professionals with skills in emerging technologies including data analytics, artificial intelligence #AI, and quantum computing but a large 37% (155,000) are based in London.
Talking about sustaining the competitiveness of the UK economy, Jason Fowler, HR Director, Fujitsu UK & Ireland, said:
“While it’s great to see London as a successful tech hub, it’s worrying to see the large divide in the tech workforce outside of the capital. Technology has reshaped the economy, with entire markets being disrupted by digital challengers. Businesses everywhere developing new business models need to take advantage of these changes.
“But to sustain the competitiveness of the UK economy, we – private and public organisations – need to ensure that opportunities are being spread out equally across the country. There are multiple tech hubs outside of London, meaning there is an opportunity for businesses to benefit from talent across the whole of the UK, and not just in London. By focusing so heavily on London – and putting all their eggs in one basket – means there is a whole pool of talent out there being overlooked. Businesses nationwide need to do more to ensure these opportunities are open to everyone across the country.”