From education to employment

Yorkshire Coast College Seeks Merger Partner

Joint Press Statement
From Yorkshire Coast College and the Learning and Skills Council
Issued Wednesday 7th May 2008
At a meeting of the Governing Body of Yorkshire Coast College on Tuesday 6th May 2008, Governors voted unanimously to seek a merger partner for the College in order to support the provision of the highest quality of vocational education and training in the Borough of Scarborough.
The Board of Governors considered two key pieces of research to help them in reaching their decision: a three-year College recovery plan produced by the College itself and an Initial Exploration of Strategic Options, commissioned by the Learning and Skills Council (LSC).
Whilst the College is already making progress in improving the quality of provision, the Board recognised that a small college – the College is the 17th smallest in England – would never be able to achieve the high levels of financial security enjoyed by larger colleges and the communities they serve.
Director of Area for the LSC in North Yorkshire, Liz Burdett, said: “It is the priority of the LSC that any merger produces positive and lasting benefits for the people and employers of Scarborough and the surrounding area. The LSC welcomes the Board of Governors’ decision which will open up exciting new opportunities for vocational training in the area.”
College Interim Principal, Carole Kitching, said: “The College is totally committed to serving the needs of local young people, adults and employers. Financial stability achieved through a merger together with the rapidly increasing quality of courses will position the College at the forefront of further education for the long term. Now is the time to draw a line under the past and to focus with confidence on the future.”
Councillor Jane Mortimer, Chair of the Board of Governors said;
“The Board’s decision will bring the greatest benefits to all learners in the area. We have a real opportunity now to move forward and help bring clarity to education and training in the Borough. The Governing Body will be actively seeking a partner that will retain a real voice for local people and a College that is firmly at the heart of the community.”
The LSC will be working closely with Yorkshire Coast College during this period of transition as it begins the work of selecting a merger partner.
For further information contact:
Yorkshire Coast College
Carole Kitching
Interim principal
01723 356177
Learning and Skills Council
Nicola Putnam
Regional Communications Manager, LSC Yorkshire and the Humber
07808 917739
Note to Editors
Learning and Skills Council (LSC)
The LSC exists to make England better skilled and more competitive. We are responsible for ensuring the availability of high-quality education and training for everyone. We have a single goal: to improve the skills of England’s young people and adults to world class standards. Our vision is that young people and adults in England have knowledge and skills matching the best in the world and are part of a truly competitive workforce. We work nationally, regionally and locally to deliver this ambition on behalf of learners and employers.

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