Secondary accountability measures, including Progress 8 and Attainment 8
Information for schools about secondary school accountability measures, including Progress 8 and Attainment 8.
Secondary accountability measures: guide
Ref: DFE-00278-2017PDF, 1.6MB, 56 pages
Progress 8 and Attainment 8: how measures are calculated
Ref: DFE-00252-2016PDF, 273KB, 5 pages
Progress scores for key stage 4: school and college performance tables
PDF, 157KB, 3 pages
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A new secondary school accountability system was introduced in 2016. The guidance on this page explains how secondary accountability measures have been calculated in 2017. It also gives more information about recently announced reforms that will apply to accountability measures in 2018 and 2019.
This information is for:
- school leaders
- governing bodies
It applies to:
- local-authority-maintained schools
- academies
- free schools
See school and college performance tables.
See the KS4 qualifications, discount codes and point scores for the school performance table.
Use the ready reckoners for KS4 in 2017.
Published 6 March 2014
Last updated 17 August 2018 + show all updates
- Updated guidance with new definition of combined science qualifications. Example EBacc average point scores updated with 2018 data.
- Updated ‘Secondary accountability measures: guide’ and added ‘Progress scores for key stage 4: school and college performance tables’.
- Updated the secondary accountability measures guide to include the 2017 coasting threshold.
- Updated ‘Secondary accountability measures: guide’ with new information on the EBacc accountability measures to be used from 2018. Also updated Attainment 8 estimates with provisional 2017 data.
- Updated Progress 8 measure in 2016, 2017 and 2018, Progress 8 key figures and school and pupil ready reckoner documents.
- Added new document: ‘Progress 8 and Attainment 8: how measures are calculated’. Updated ‘Progress 8 measure in 2016, 2017 and 2018’ to include a definition of ‘coasting’ schools.
- Added Progress 8 and Attainment 8 key figures and ready reckoner documents.
- Added further detail on how to calculate fine levels in Annex C.
- Updated guidance to explain how secondary schools should interpret the 2016 key stage 2 results.
- Added video explaining Progress 8.
- Updated ‘Progress 8 measure in 2016, 2017 and 2018’, clarifying how the fine level calculation is completed and providing a link to ‘Key stage 2 to key stage 4 value added measures’.
- Updated ‘Progress 8 measure in 2016, 2017 and 2018’ document, including clarification on how English counts in the headline performance table measures.
- Updated ‘Progress 8 measure’ document: clarified technical information and added detail, including about how to calculate prior attainment and how the Ofsted exemption will be implemented.
- Updated ‘Progress 8 measure in 2016 and 2017’ document. Further explained 2017 point scores in annex A, and revised the attainment 8 estimates table to 2 decimal places in annex B.
- Added ‘Progress 8 measure in 2016 and 2017’ document in place of superseded performance measure information and technical guide documents.
- Updated ‘Progress 8 school performance measure’ document to include information on mathematics and statistics qualifications.
- Added the terms and conditions document for schools wishing to opt into the progress 8 measure in 2015.
- First published.