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Men’s Health Month: A third of men say their workplace has no processes to support mental health

Photo by Nicola Barts from Pexels

With November marking Men’s Health month, new research has revealed the impact  jobs have on men’s mental health, and what employees want their bosses to change in order  to improve their workplace. 

With the majority of us spending one-third of our life at work, the new study carried out by staff scheduling platform, Planday, has revealed that despite the ongoing conversations around men’s mental health in the media, more than a third of men don’t feel like they’re able to be open about their mental health at work (34%).

Concerningly, two in five men (41%) state that they don’t think their workplace has a positive impact on their mental health, or they’re unsure of the impact it has. With many men feeling like they can’t voice these concerns, employers have a duty to encourage  open conversations with staff in order to  make improvements. 

Of the 41% that don’t believe that their workplace has a positive impact on their mental health, the most common contributing factors towards this are:

  • Having no clear career progression path (34%)
  • Toxic behaviours within the team (30%)
  • Inability to switch off from work (29%)
  • Not receiving positive praise from peers (27%)
  • Inability to voice worries/ concerns about work (24%)

A third of men state that their workplace doesn’t have any processes in place to support their mental health (32%), with a further 14% unsure whether any processes exist, showing that more needs to be done to ensure that employee wellbeing is a priority. 

Interestingly, whilst one in five men state that they don’t enjoy their jobs (19%), double this number state that they either don’t see themselves in their current role long term, or they’re unsure (38%).

This, however, can be rectified by implementing suggested changes, with seven in ten (71%) of men more likely to stay long term if the following areas were improved:

  1. Employee benefits (32%)
  2. Flexibility (28%), Fairer Pay (28%)
  3. Communication (26%), Better management style (26%)
  4. Training (22%) 
  5. Mental Health Support (21%)

So, how can businesses implement the best practice in order to improve in these areas? 

Brett Smith, Customer Success Director at the workplace management platform, Planday comments:

“It is imperative that businesses ensure that employee wellbeing is a top priority, and that employees know that their workplace truly values them, both as workers and human beings. 

“The data reveals some concerning stats, particularly with the ongoing conversations around men’s mental health, it is concerning to see that so many men still feel like they’re unable to be open about their mental health at work. 

“The first step to take is simply, if you have wellbeing processes and schemes in place, these need to be communicated with your employees. Encourage open conversations about mental health, and let your employees know that you truly care and will do what you can to support them through any issues. If these processes aren’t already in place, investing in them as soon as possible would be beneficial to your whole workforce. 

“Your people are your best asset and investing in their wellbeing and their career growth  not only benefits the employees themselves, but the company as a whole. A happier workforce will ultimately do a better job, stay in their jobs longer and help your hospitality business stand out.

“Investing in wellbeing programmes, team building and a strong culture to help combat the impact of toxic workplaces, plus offering flexible working, ensuring the pay is fair and accurate and communicating effectively are just a few ways to improve employee wellbeing in the workplace and realise the business benefits.”

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