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HoW College Business, Management and Professional Apprentices Celebrate Great Results!

a picture of someone writing in a book.

 Apprenticeship success is in abundance at Heart of Worcestershire Colleges (HoW College) as the most recent cohort of Business, Management and Professional Apprentices are celebrating after receiving excellent end point assessment (EPA) results! 

100% of the apprentices entered for their EPA successfully passed with more than 50% of apprentices achieving the highest grades. 

Speaking about their results, Lauren, Business Admin apprentice said: 

“Firstly, I completed my Business Admin Qualification, but as I work in Finance, I always knew I wanted to enrol on to the Finance Assistant Apprenticeship. 

Completing my apprenticeship allowed me to gain experience, as well as obtain the AAT Level 2 Qualification. The support I received from the college was amazing, the tutor and my LSDO gave me lots of advice and help whenever I was unsure about anything. I feel that the apprenticeship option was the best route for me as it has helped me develop in my role and use what I learn in the classroom in real life scenarios. 

I went on to achieve a distinction in my Level 2 Apprenticeship and I am now currently studying for my Level 3 Assistant Accountant Apprenticeship. The transition onto Level 3 was really easy and the tutor and LSDO at college were always helpful if I had any worries or concerns.” 

EPA happens once the employer is satisfied that the apprentice has demonstrated full competence and that all criteria of the standard has been met. This means that the apprentice has developed their knowledge skills and behaviours to a high standard, and they are ready to embark upon the various components that make up the EPA. 

To find out more about apprenticeships at HoW College please visit 

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