University College Birmingham awarded skills funding to boost technical qualifications

University College Birmingham has been awarded funding as part of the Higher technical education skills injection fund to boost its delivery of higher technical qualifications (HTQs).
HTQs are high-quality, job-focused qualifications that give employers a voice as they develop the standards the qualifications are assessed against.
With the number of adults living in Birmingham with no qualifications at 11% (above the national average of 8%), it is imperative that local institutions devise alternative routes of training and skills development to support residents into work.
These new programmes are a part of University College Birmingham’s commitment to providing an extensive variety of pathways for all learners that deliver career-ready education and training whilst addressing regional skills gaps and working closely with employers.
HTQs can lead into an accelerated apprenticeship, degree or employment, further widening access to a variety of skills and careers. They can be several different types of qualifications, including existing qualifications such as Higher National Certificate (HNC), Higher National Diploma (HND) and Foundation degrees.
University College Birmingham has been approved for £586,000 in funding that will enable new qualifications to be delivered at the University in September 2024 and January 2025 including HNC Construction Design and Build, HNC Building Services Engineering (submitted as part of a bid with the Greater Birmingham and Solihull Institute of Technology) as well as Foundation degrees in Nursing Associate, Business Management and Early Years Educator. University College Birmingham already delivers HTQs in digital marketing and cybersecurity, with an assistant practitioner healthcare programme launching from September 2024.
Rosa Wells, FE Principal and Dean of STEM at University College Birmingham said:
“This award from the Skills Injection Fund will amplify the world-class skills training that University College Birmingham already delivers. Learners can upskill while businesses continue to benefit from our close, collaborative approach that places the emphasis on employer needs and tackling skills shortages.”
The qualifications will ensure that there are widespread alternatives to a three-year degree, ahead of the government’s introduction of the lifelong learning entitlement in 2025. Nationally, the skills injection fund has a total budget of £48.8 million, for financial years 2023 to 2024 and 2024 to 2025.
Learners at University College Birmingham already benefit from training across its award-winning campus and facilities as well as from a broad selection of qualifications: from a level 1 diploma to a level 7 master’s degree.