New board member announced for College and University Business Officers

College and University Business Officers (@CUBO_Comms) has announced the appointment of a new Board member to help guide the organisation’s strategic development with a specific focus on Housing Codes and Standards.
Dean Spears, Director of Facilities: Campus & Commercial Services, Sport & Science Park at University of York has joined the CUBO Board to take responsibility for the Housing Codes and Standards Portfolio.
Part of Dean’s role will be to represent CUBO as a member of the UUK (Universities UK) Accommodation Code Governance Board, as well as the ANUK Code Committee of Management and the British Property Federation (BPF) Student Housing Committee.
CUBO administers the Universities UK/GuildHE Code of Practice for University Managed Student Accommodation, one of three codes of practice for the higher education sector that were approved by Parliament in April 2006.
The codes are designed as statements of good practice and are subject to change and refinement. They serve to reinforce and, where necessary, encourage better management of accommodation provided by higher education institutions and major private suppliers.
The codes are also open to further education colleges with residential accommodation and to private higher education providers, providing these institutions have the necessary mechanisms in place (e.g. on complaints) to fall within the code.
Dean explained why he has joined the CUBO Board:
“I have joined the CUBO Governing Board of Directors to support, champion and support our thousands of colleagues working in the commercial and campus services sectors in higher and further education in the UK and Ireland.
“Having designed several thousand student accommodation bed-spaces in different universities in the sector with partners, during my time with CUBO, I will continue to develop the UUK Accommodation code with partners to ensure that the sector provides safe, compliant and value for money accommodation for our students, staff and visitors to enjoy.”
Dean added, “I am keen to work with our members to consider how we can continue to put Equalities, Diversity and Inclusivity (ED&I) front and centre of what we do.”
Commenting on the appointment, CUBO Chair, Jo Hardman, Head of Commercial Services Lancaster University, says:
“We are delighted to welcome Dean to the Board. His vast experience in student accommodation and other campus services, and membership of the UUK Accommodation Code Governance Board, will be vital in achieving a sustained improvement in the management of all forms of student housing.”
CUBO membership is open to all FE Colleges.