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Register of apprentice assessment organisations: How to apply


Information for organisations thinking about applying to the register of apprentice assessment organisations.

If you are interested in delivering the knowledge, skills and behaviours elements of the apprenticeship do not apply to the Register of Apprentice Assessment Organisations. You need to apply to the register of apprenticeship training providers.

Before you start an application you must read the ‘pre-application guidance’. It contains important information about the application process and the type of organisation that we are seeking for the register.



Support for applications

We have been working closely with the Education and Training Foundation to extend their successful Future Apprenticeships programme to support the end-point assessment process.

The support package, which includes a one-day workshop and follow-up activity with action planning, looks at the detail, the issues and opportunities for organisations considering delivering end-point assessment. The workshop in particular will help understand end-point-assessment processes, possible organisational models and the Register of Apprenticeship Assessment Organisations.

Organisations considering applying to the register may want to take advantage of this development activity being offered through the Future Apprenticeships programme.

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