From education to employment

Global initiative to arm young people with the resilience to prioritise their self-care, mental health and wellbeing

@Unilever selects Emotional Fitness Game eQuoo for the Largest Global Prevention and Intervention #MentalHealth Programme in History  


eQuoo, the world’s leading medically proven and evidence-based emotional fitness game, has been selected as the Mental Health App for Unilever’s CLEAR brands global initiative to arm young people with the resilience to prioritise their self-care, mental health and wellbeing.

Unilever’s People Data Centre (PDC) conducted a thorough analysis on the top downloaded Mental Health Apps on Google Playstore that help with stress and anxiety. A cross-section of mindfulness, cognitive behavioural therapy, community, self-monitoring and gamification Mental Health Apps were all analysed to determine the optimal tool to support CLEAR’s global initiative.

eQuoo was selected as the best tool for the initiative based on its engaging user experience, intuitive functionality, scientific & psychologically backed methodology and effectiveness in solving an individual’s mental health issues. 

eQuoo officially joins the 2% of mental health prevention and early intervention apps that are evidence-based and is the only game that has been accepted into the NHS App Library. Together eQuoo and Unilever will reach over 70,000 18 – 35-year olds, an unprecedented number which would previously have been impossible before the digitalisation of mental health therapies. 

 “eQuoo teaches important skills in a fun and engaging way – in a choose-your-own adventure game with real-life situations,” says Unilever’s Global PDC Search and Social Analyst, Janelle Tomayo.

“The game teaches you how to become better communicators using fictional characters to navigate through difficult circumstances with skills and storylines empirically based on current psychological research.” 

“Since day one it has been eQuoo’s goal to help as many people as possible, and this partnership with Unilver is instrumental in having a true impact,” says Silja Litvin, Founder and CEO of eQuoo. 

“1 in 3 young adults experience an anxiety disorder, crippling and harming too many people at the cusp of their adult lives. Together eQuoo and Unilever will equop thousands of people with the personal resilience to manage the pressues of today’s world.”

“CLEAR is committed to enabling people to perform at their best, and this is why we have partnered with eQuoo to give young people the tools to build resilience, so they can better cope with mental health challenges,” says Tran Tue Tri, Global Vice President of CLEAR Hair Care at Unilever.

After the first ADHD game for children attained FDA approval, eQuoo is at the forefront of a new generation of therapies attracting players where they are comfortable and are most likely to stick to a digital program whilst playing a game. PsycApps, the Digital Mental Health company behind eQuoo, is also making a step in a much needed direction with regards to transparency and privacy. eQuoo has no third party support from companies such as Facebook and Google. PhsycApps also leads the way with HIPAA certification and GDPR compliance so eQuoo players can rest assured that their data is safe and secure and their well-being is front of mind.

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